Data from The Fees Bureau
2020 edition - 2019 survey
RIBA / The Fees Bureau
Architects' Employment & Earnings Survey
Full report Architects Earnings is available here
CHART 1: Long-term trends
This year’s RIBA / The Fees Bureau Architects Employment & Earnings Survey main findings:
architects’ average earnings on 1st April 2019: £42,395
change in average earnings 2018 to 2019: -6 per cent
inflation over the same period: 2 per cent
per cent unemployed: <1 per cent; per cent not working for other reasons: 2 per cent
The 2019 Earnings Survey is based on data collected from about 1,100 individual architects across all regions of the UK and all types and sizes of organisation.
The full report Architects Earnings shows how long-term trends in both earnings and employment have been developing over the years, together with a full analysis of the earnings and fringe benefits for ten different categories of architect, in eight regions of the UK.
This year’s data refers to 1st April 2019.
Architects Earnings, 2020, The Fees Bureau
CHART 2: Profile of the profession
The chart below shows how the profession breaks down by gender, age and employment area. The gender breakdown becomes more balanced in the younger age groups.
Source: Architects Earnings, 2020, The Fees Bureau
CHART 3: Gender pay gap, long-term
The gender pay gap has narrowed although at this rate it will take another 20 years before the gender pay gap is eliminated.
Source: Architects Earnings, 2020, The Fees Bureau
CHART 4: Employment status
Source: Architects Earnings, 2020, The Fees Bureau
TABLE 1: Average earnings by field of employment, 2019 and 2018
Source: Architects Earnings, 2020, The Fees Bureau
* small sample, apply caution
TABLE 2: How architects' earnings compare with inflation, 1995 - 2019
Source: Architects Earnings, 2020, The Fees Bureau
There's a full analysis of the data in our report Architects Earnings - including earnings data for each employment field analysed by:
practice size
fringe benefits
hours worked
commuting and journey to work
Special Offer for RIBA Members:
Architects Earnings is one of five titles published by The Fees Bureau specially for architects. Other reports cover fees, performance, ownership and markets. Special savings of 20% are available until 30.11.2019, exclusively for RIBA members. Click on the titles below to access this special rate.
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